U.S. Marshal John J. Leyden

Inducted: 2024
Born: 07/03/1931
Died: 03/03/2021

The Rhode Island Law Enforcement community lost a true champion, when North Kingstown’s John J. “Jack” Leyden passed away on March 3, 2021, at the age of 89. Born in the Smith Hill section of Providence on July 3, 1931, Jack was the son of Thomas and Katherine (McGovern) Leyden, along with brothers Thomas and Martin and sister Katherine.

He enlisted in the United States Navy during the Korean War, and afterwards started his long and illustrious career in law enforcement by joining the Providence Police Department in 1956, walking a beat in South Providence. Along the way he would meet his beautiful wife of 59 years, Beverly (Bowen) Leyden. The couple would be blessed with five children, Lori, John (Jack), himself a retired major in the Rhode Island State Police, Lynn, Lisa and Leigh.

Jack rose through the ranks to the position of major in Providence and was respected nationally for his exemplary work, particularly for his leading the Department’s first Organized Crime Task Force, dismantling local mob-related activities. A graduate of the 87th FBI National Academy in 1984, he caught the eye of North Kingstown officials and was appointed Chief of the North Kingstown Police Department. He served in that capacity for nine years, until the late US Senator Claiborne Pell nominated him to the position of United States Marshal for the District of Rhode Island. He easily passed through the vetting process and was appointed to the position by President William J. Clinton.

Jack was an avid sportsman, playing competitive basketball, racquetball, golf, and tennis well into his 80s. A devout Catholic, he was a communicant at Saint Bernard Church in North Kingstown, belonged to various community-based organizations and participated in and supported numerous state and local charities. Proud of his Irish heritage as the son of Irish immigrants, he was an active member of the Sons of Irish Kings.

During his tenure as North Kingstown police chief, Jack served as president of the Rhode Island Police Chief’s Association and was the secretary of the National Police Chief’s Association. During his law enforcement career, he also found the time to earn his associate’s degree in criminal justice from Roger Williams University.

John J “Jack” Leyden truly had a legendary career in law enforcement in the State of Rhode Island. You would be hard pressed to find anyone in the law enforcement community, whether a career veteran or recruit, that was not in awe of his many accomplishments in and out of uniform. But to his family and friends, he was someone that never hesitated to pitch-in whenever asked, and to make our state a better place.

U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, who also served as US Attorney for Rhode Island, as well as state attorney general, summed it up best after Jack’s unfortunate passing: “Jack was a special man. Walking around Providence with him was like walking around with a beloved mayor – everyone knew him. Working with him in law enforcement was working with a legend. Yet he was never a big shot: always just a wonderful guy, one of the great ones.”

Jack J. Leyden was inducted into The Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame in 2024.

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