Lincoln Carter Almond

Inducted: 2024
Born: 06/16/1936
Died: 01/03/2023

Lincoln C. (“Linc”) was elected governor of the State of Rhode Island in 1994, making him the first Rhode Island governor to serve a four-year term.  As a former U.S. Attorney, he was elected based on his pledge to govern with honesty and integrity, to restore Rhode Islanders’ faith in their elected leaders, and to fight for economic development and a job for all residents.  He never forgot his working-class roots and the value of hard work and sacrifice. Voters saw him delivering on his promises; and four years later they re-elected him to serve a second four-year term.  He completed his eight-year term-limited tenure without scandal.  He was the quintessential public servant.

While most politicians would frequent high end restaurants like the Capital Grille and Capriccio, Linc was a man of the people – much more at home at Gregg’s or Angelo’s. For lunch, most often it was a sandwich and snacks packed in his signature paper bag and eaten at his State House desk.

Linc was born in Pawtucket on June 16, 1936, and was raised in Central Falls during the depression and World War II.  He was the son of the late Thomas Clifton and Elsie Carter Almond, and the younger brother of the late Thomas C. Almond, Jr. A graduate of Central Falls High School, he attended the University of Rhode Island and Boston University School of Law.  Linc was the first and only graduate of the University of Rhode Island to be elected Governor. Although a lawyer by trade, he focused his career on honest and dedicated public service. Linc served with distinction as Lincoln’s town administrator from 1963 to 1969.  He had the foresight to preserve open space and to strategically balance residential and industrial development.

Linc was subsequently appointed as the U.S. Attorney for Rhode Island in 1969 and became one of the longest tenured U.S. Attorneys in American history.  He served over 20 years from 1969-1978 and 1981-1993.  As the State’s top federal prosecutor, he successfully took on organized crime and public corruption and was a trusted policy advisor to multiple U.S. Attorneys General. 

As governor from 1995-2003, Linc was a political moderate who was fiscally conservative and socially compassionate. His administration was recognized for expanding child health care benefits, strong economic development, job creation, and improvements to his beloved University of Rhode Island.

Linc was also the tireless Godfather of the effort to enshrine separation of government powers into the Rhode Island Constitution – taking two cases to the R.I. Supreme Court and placing two questions on the statewide ballot. His shared vision of an independent and co-equal executive branch of government was overwhelmingly adopted by the people of Rhode Island by constitutional amendment in 2004.

Linc was the beloved husband of Marilyn (Johnson) for 64 years. Marilyn was his foundation while in elected office and tireless caregiver in retirement. He died on January 3, 2023, at the age of 87.  As a selfless, accomplished, ethical public servant that did so much good as Town Administrator, U.S. Attorney and Governor over many decades, he left a legacy for Rhode Island that will not be forgotten.

Lincoln Almond was inducted into The Rhode Heritage Hall of Fame in 2024.

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