Brigadier General James J. D’Agostino

Brigadier General D’Agostino was the Assistant Adjutant General for Air and Deputy Commanding General of the Rhode Island National Guard. Prior to this assignment,

he served in the USAF as the United States Property and Fiscal Officer for Rhode Island for 4.3 years and as the Base Civil Engineer for the Coventry and North Smithfield Air National Guard Stations from 1978 to 1999.

His military career spanned almost 39 years and began in 1967 with the US Army as an infantryman. He served in Vietnam with E Company, 4th Battalion, 21st Infantry, 11th Brigade, Americal Division during 1968-69 and earned the prestigious Combat Infantryman Badge. After Vietnam, he resumed his advanced education and received a BS degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering and an MPA degree from the University of RI. Subsequently, he also graduated from the Air War College, US Army Professional Military Comptroller School and completed over 40 other military courses of study to include Air Command and Staff College, Squadron Officer School, Fiscal Law, Contract Management, Government Contract Law, Contracting Officer’s Representative, Financial Management Orientation, Dynamics of International Terrorism and Logistics Management.

His professional memberships and affiliations include former Chair and current board member of the SHARE Foundation formally at UMASS Dartmouth, former President of the RINGTEC Federal Credit Union, former President of the RI Department Reserve Officers Association, former President of the RI National Guard Association, former Commander of the RI Commandery Military Order of Foreign Wars, Past President of The 100 Club of RI,  Preceptor II of the Preceptory of St. Finnian of Clonard, current board member of the RI Heritage Harbor Foundation, RI Heritage Hall of Fame and Vice President of the RI Aviation Hall of Fame. Additionally, he is a life member of 34 professional, military and social organizations.

After his mandatory retirement in 2006, General D’Agostino was called back to service in 2007 to serve as a Project Manager for the Construction and Facility Management Officer (CFMO), RI Army National Guard where he assisted the CFMO and Contracting Officer’s Representative in the construction management of two military construction (MILCON) projects totaling in excess of 40 million dollars and encompassing about 100 thousand square feet of floorspace.

Although he “officially” retired in 2013, he has been the co-host of the RI Veterans’ Information Network (RIVIN) since its’ inception in 2014.

He lives with his wife Fran in West Greenwich, RI and is the proud father of two grown and accomplished children – Chris and Alisa.

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