In 1917, Arthur Galkin
I founded Natco Products
Corporation as a recycler of
waste materials. He had two
sons, Bob and Warren. In 1949,
his eldest son, Bob, graduated
from Brown with a semester at
Oxford and a BA in International
Relations. At that time, Natco
had two divisions; a division that
manufactured mats, matting, and
stair treads, with a large portion
coming from other company’s
remnants, and a bag division that
manufactured beach and travel
Bob joined Natco in 1949
and went into sales. He subse-
quently became the company’s
sales manager at a time when
sales were limited to the
Northeast. In 1952, he married
Wini Blacher who had just grad-
uated from Pembroke. They trav-
eled the country together finding
new markets and salesmen to
cover them. This foray turned
Natco into a national company
that sold to most of the major
chain stores. Then Bob became
President of Natco, and started a
search for more opportunities
both at home and abroad.
After Warren Galkin gradu-
ated from Brown with an ScB in
Physics and Wharton with an
MBA, he spent three years in the
Navy as an engineering officer,
followed by eighteen in the
reserves. He retired as a lieuten-
ant commander. He entered
Natcos bag division as produc-
tion manager, installed produc-
tion and cost accounting sys-
tems, and designed and built
automated production equip-
ment. He then became plant
manager and designed machines
for the mat division, including
Robert Galkin Wini Galkin
one that used suction cups to
handle the hard surface ^oor
covering, the ^rms main
As a result of these innova-
tions Natco is now an interna-
tional company, servicing all of
the major chains, with factories
in China, Canada, and three U.S.
As things settled down, Bob
and Warren became chairman
and vice chairman of the board
and Bobs son-in-law, Mike
Litner, took over as president.
This allowed the Galkin brothers
and Wini, a philanthropist in her
own right as an heiress of her
family’s jewelry business, to get
involved in the community. Bob
and Wini traveled the world in
their spare time picking up valu-
able antiques. They have donated
some collections that have been
displayed at the Newport man-
sions, Roger Williams Park Zoo,
Brown University, and Rhode
Island College. Bob and Wini
received honorary doctorates
from Rhode Island College for
their philanthropy and were both
elected to the Rhode Island
Warren Galkin
Warren became involved as a
benefactor of the Boys and Girls
Club of Warwick and was the
first inductee in its Hall of Fame.
He established physics and brain
science fellowships at Brown,
funds a scholarship and the
Spanish department at
Community Preparatory School,
is a major supporter of the John
F. Kennedy Museum, and
received the Common Cause
Distinguished Service Award.
The Galkins now join such
illustrious trios as the
Hassenfelds, the Herreshoffs, the
Flynns, and the Cooneys as
members of the Rhode Island
Heritage Hall of Fame.
Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame
1445 Wampanoag Trail, Suite 203, East Providence, RI 02915-1019 | (401) 433-0044 |